Friday introductions:
Hey there, my name is Emily Nicole Watkins, as you already know, I am a wedding and lifestyle photographer. But I am also a student at Southwestern Oklahoma State University, I am pursuing two degrees in business finance and business marketing with a minor in graphic design.
The other day I came across one of our old family newsletters, and I wanted to share with y’all something my mom wrote “Emily is in 4th grade and is the craft queen. She can usually be found on Saturdays, on the front yard with half the neighborhood, heading up some kind of craft project or lemonade stand”. For me this is so cool now, because it reminds me that before I even knew it, God placed in the fibers of my being a love for art, people, and business. The forms and outlets may have evolved but it is such an intrinsic part of me that I know I’ll always find myself brought back to these three things.