Oklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures // celebrating life


Oklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole Photo

Modern Oklahoma City Maternity Pictures

For this shoot I really wanted to get creative + let loose + modern, my lovely friends aka the coolest parents I know, THE SLAGELLS, were down to explore the city with me! I love the vibes of Oklahoma City. We went around the Paseo Arts District, Midtown, and Waffle Champion. Celebrating life and parenthood never looked so good.

Celebrating Life + Parenthood

Ever since I can remember, I have had the passion to celebrate. Celebrating birthdays, new beginnings, life, love, and even little daily victories (my husband can attest to this!). I believe that my deep rooted passion to celebrate is a driving force in why I am a photographer. There is SO MUCH in to celebrate yall.
Here lately, my heart has been drawn to the celebration of LIFE. Life is so precious and babies are a freakin miracle. Even though Talon and I don’t have any of our own yet, it has been truly beautiful to witness our dear friends + family start to build up their tribes. God is so good.

I want to announce that Emily Nicole Photo will be offering lifestyle sessions with the full intention on CELEBRATING the gift of life + parenthood. Be on the lookout for this new section on my website!

Oklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole PhotoOklahoma City Modern Maternity Pictures by Emily Nicole Photo